So disregard your backups and edit your main downloads folder. It will only remove files from your documents/ea games/the sims 2/downloads folder, not anywhere you have a backup. You can delete stuff from buy/build mode, CAS, etc in game using the delete button. You could also try googling "sims 2 hide hair age group" or something similar (I'm on mobile so sorry can't go find something quick)

Hi there! I can't suggest anything for deleting the ages of some hairs and not others. ((I have wardrobe wrangler, but all it does is crash, and please don't suggest SIMPE, I'm pretty much illiterate with anything more advanced than pasting printscreens into microsoft paint.! if there's no really, really easy method I'll just leave it alone)) (On a similar note, is there a risk of an entire hairstyle being lost if I just delete a couple of ages, or will the mesh be kept as long as it stays in at least one age range? I have a few hairs I only wanted for children but it's added them for adults as well, and since a lot of these are already adult-to-child conversions it is very redundant.this also applies to extra colours of a hair/outfit!) I have a backup folder of all my TS2 CC, which is elsewhere in My Documents.if I delete CC through CAS/Build/Buy, will it only be deleted from my Docs/EA/TS2/Downloads folder, or everywhere else as well? This deletes it from your computer, right?

Handy for me, since I didn't realise you can leave CC in subfolders in your MyDocs/EA Games/Sims2/Downloads and it would still work meaning everything, garbled filenames and all, is a big mishmash together.

So, in TS2 you can apparently delete items of CC from CAS and Build/Buy modes. This might be blindingly obvious but I'm bad at computers in general and wanted to check.