Tears of the fiend
Tears of the fiend

tears of the fiend

It was hovering over you,looking down with a purplish glow surrounding its aura,you only shut your eyes in pain as tears began to swell in your eyes. The sound of a door slamming open caught your attention,you spun your head around only to be met with an aching headache and a purplish outlined vision.The thing that bursted through the door was getting closer.ĭropping to your knees,you heard the pump roll away as your hands opened to latch at your temple,it was unbearable.

tears of the fiend

Pushing up and down on the lever,you went slow,couldn't have any of the things hearing you.Nervously looking around your surroundings,you peered into the darkness trying to find anything that seemed out of place You ran down the darkened corridor,unaware of your surroundings.The sound of your shoes hitting the ships uncarpteted floors rung through your head as you bolted towards the life boat.You barged yourself out through the door and onto the deck,there was only one more thing to do,and you had to do it fast. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines.

Tears of the fiend